
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Randall's Increasing Vocab

There was a time where I was worried about my baby's speech development. Even had to go back to KKH for review which the PD subsequently is satisfied with Randall's speech development.

Now, he is acquiring ever increasing amount of words that I never thought he knew.

Just yesterday, to celebrate his 2nd birthday, we brought him to the zoo and when he saw Ben & Jerry's cow outside the zoo entrance, he went 'moo moo' while pointing excitedly.
He saw monkeys and exclaimed 'Monk Key' 'Monk Key'!!
He saw a zebra and said 'Horse'
He looked at his birthday cake and said 'Cake'

Just tonight, when he heard his daddy leave the house to throw rubbish at the central chute, he sat up in bed and said softly 'Daddy Daddy'.

And when Daddy came back and asked him to call me mummy, Randall called me 'Mummy' :)

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Randall's 1st Temper Tantrums

Randall threw his first big temper tantrums on Monday, 10 May 2010, and it caught both me and Daddy by surprise.
It left us wondering where our little sweet cutie pie went?
We were so shocked that we forgot to take pictures as evidences! Hiak Hiak Hiak (hmm, still can laugh??)
I was preparing him for his evening bath after school and when i tried to remove his clothes, he started to fuss. When i ignored his fussing and proceeded to remove his top and bottoms, he went into full blown crying and screaming that did not stop even after 30 mins!
Later on in the night, as I laid him in bed, he suddenly started his crying again and began flailing about on the bed non stop...That scared me! I have to hold him to calm him down.

I believe the episode was caused by the fear of the new childcare experiences, and the fatigue from trying to adapt to a whole different schedule in school.

He has not threw another tantrum since then...meanwhile, mummy will read up more about raising a two year old to equip myself better to loving this boy more (haha, dun think its possible to love him more when i already love him very very very much)

Being a mummy is really a steep learning curve, I really can't learn fast enough!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Positive Tots Trial Class

Haha. This post is long overdue.

Randall went for his Positive Tots trial class actually on 20 Dec 09 and I only manage to post it now. Mummy is a slooooooow blogger.

LSH made the same mistakes twice so Randall was without CC arrangement nor attending any enrichment. Not too sure if this is the reason why, or simply because Randall is taking his own time discovering and developing, or that Mummy is being too anxious, but I find my baby 'slower' in his progress through learning the alphabets, numbers and words. He also has limited opportunity to socialise with other kids.

Nevertheless, he is excellent in other ways. He is healthy, loves to laugh, make funny antics, give hugs to Oscar and disturb his yi yis and Po Po.

Quite like Positive Tots cause of the concept they teach like taking turns, bubble time, music exploration, and positive encouragement to the kid just to say a few.
After the trial, I signed up the program for Randall. At a discount, plus parent workshop for two for free (U.P $80 per pax). Good deal! Randall will be starting his classes in Jan 10. =)

Bubble Time with Teacher Nora and my Friends Daryl, Xuan Xuan and Charlotte

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mummy's Thoughts


Mummy wonders what do you dream about at night as you sleep? Cause sometimes you giggle =)
What kind of dreams will a child so young and inexperience of the ways of the world dream?

Maybe you are dreaming about God.
For it is stated:
"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8)"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Review appointment with PD at KKH

Took leave in the afternoon for Randall's scheduled review with his PD at KKH.
She wanted to review Randall's development progress over 3 months since we last saw her.
Overall, she is happy with what she heard and no further tests are required for our little Randall.

Randall now weighs 11.3kg and is 81cm tall at almost 21 months.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Randall Hugs Mummy!

Randall surprised me today.

I called out to him in the morning while he was watching his usual imagination movers, "Randall, come hug mummy'. He turned around, gave me a smile, started walking towards me, and allowed me to hug him. =)

I tried that a second time later part of the day and he repeated what he did in the morning.

I love this sweet little boy of mine.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baby fell sick during the Christmas Holidays

My last posting about Randall being sick was on 17 Dec 2008. He was down with belly flu then.

This year, 2009, he fell sick also in December. It was at the tail end of December. It started with a phone call from Mum saying that baby seemed to be having a fever on 23rd Dec. The fever continued on 24th, then went on 25th, 26th....Not only was his fever high, hovering around 38.2 to 39.00 degrees, he was coughing and having runny nose and sore throat.

The number of bottles of medicine he has to take each time is so many! one for fever, one for sore throat, one for runny nose, one for cough, one antibiotics! He used to be ok with medicine and syringes, but after this episode he will cry and run away when he sees syringes.

Mummy also fell sick during these few days, having terrible migraines that did not go away despite popping two panadols at one go every 4 hourly. Daddy was coughing and having sorethroat too.

Hence, despite having already arranged with friends gatherings and luncheons, we could not go to any single one of them =(

So glad that all of us have fully recovered now as Mummy wrote this in Jan 2010. Blessed the Lord! We love You and thank You!
Continue to cover us with Your Love and shelter us with Your Protection Lord! Amen!